Welcome to the Unicorn Unchained Domain

Once upon a time there was a website called Unicorn Dreams, where many unicorns lived. One of the unicorns found it's way here before the site disappeared.

Unicorn Unicorn Poem


The Unicorn Unchained Domain takes its name from the Unicorn Unchained Meadery (U2M). U2M has been making small quantities of mead for personal consumption since 1994. The meadery is an informational site, providing an online look at the U2M brew book.

I am retired. I was employed (May 1, 1999 through December 31, 2021) by Eklektix, as an editor for LWN.net. Prior to that I worked in a lot of different places, doing different things, including software engineer, greenskeeper, snowshoveler, blacksmith, telephone operator, hotwalker, and more. Web design was not one of my occupations, however, the simple html used on this site should work in any browser, on any device.

I live in Colorado, US and I enjoy spending time in the mountains. In 1996 I went on a backpacking trip in the Wind Rivers, Wyoming with a couple of friends. This picture was taken by Jon Corbet during that trip.



Rebecca I Sobol -- ris -AT- unicornunchained -DOT- com

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